Omega 3

Omega 3 is one of the most popular supplements out there because of the wide range of health benefits that it promises its users. In this guide, we’re going to take a closer look at what you should know about omega 3. We’ll cover omega 3 benefits, omega 3 foods, and how to follow an omega 3 vegan diet.

What is Omega 3?

Omega 3 is not a single nutrient, but rather a group of them that are essential to the maintenance of a healthy body. These fatty acids are versatile in the body, as they are used to build up the structure of your cellular walls, which helps give them shape and keeps them strong and robust.

Along with helping maintain your cellular walls, omega 3 is a key source of energy, and it helps maintain the health of your organs. The most crucial use of omega 3 is in maintaining the health of your blood vessels, lungs, and heart, though it also plays a key role in the maintenance of your immune system.

Some of the most common fatty acids include EPA and DHA, which are both found in fish. You’ll find a large amount of DHA in brain cells, retina cells, and sperm cells. There’s also ALA, which is the main omega 3 fatty acid that you’ll get out of a vegan diet due to its prevalence in nuts and plants.

Omega 3 fatty acids are so crucial because they cannot be created by the human body, making them an essential nutrient. However, one interesting thing about these fatty acids is that ALA can be used to produce EPA, which can then be used to produce DHA, which is due to their chemical structure.

One thing to consider is that the body’s ability to produce these acids from each other diminishes with age, which can make it more challenging for an individual to maintain their omega 3 levels without supplements. Over time, the amount of research into omega 3 fatty acids has increased dramatically.

What is Omega 3 Good For?

Fighting Inflammation

One of the main omega 3 fish oil benefits is its ability to fight inflammation. Inflammation occurs when the body mounts an immune response to a foreign body, but sometimes prolonged inflammation can cause damage to the surrounding tissues, not to mention pain while this is occurring.

Studies have demonstrated that omega 3 can be used to cut down on the production of the protein messengers that get the body inflamed in the first place. For example, omega 3 can reduce the production of both cytokines and eicosanoids, which are both linked to the start of inflammation.

Heart Health

Omega 3 6 9 benefits also include the ability to improve heart health, and this has been noticed throughout history, as fish-eating communities usually have lower rates of heart disease. Studies have shown that there is no single factor that causes this, but rather a range of them that help with cardiovascular health.

For example, enough omega 3 fatty acid can cut down on the level of triglycerides in your system, with a reduction ranging from 15% to 30%. Omega 3 can also help lower blood pressure, raise levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol), and reduce the amount of plaque that builds up in arteries.

Omega 3 Sources


DHA and EPA can both be found in seafood, though mainly fish. In fact, the kind of fish that you find large amounts of omega 3 in is a little more specific than many believe. While most fish will contain at least a small amount of omega 3, you’ll want to look for fatty fish that live in colder waters.

The best sources of omega 3 underwater include mackerel, salmon, herring, tuna, and sardines. All of these fish have enough fat to provide you with large amounts of omega 3.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a good source of ALA, and they are commonly incorporated into vegan diets that are high in omega 3. Unfortunately, you have to eat a lot of nuts and seeds to get a comparable amount of Omega 3 in your diet compared to fatty cold-water seafood.

Plant Oils

Plant oils are often the nutritional source of vegan omega 3 supplements because of the ease with which they can be put into capsules, much like fish oil (but vegan, of course). If you’re looking for the best omega 3 supplement UK source for vegans, be sure that they produce their supplements with oils like canola, flaxseed, and soybean oil.

How Much Omega 3 per Day?

If you’re trying to maintain your health, experts recommend that your daily dietary intake of EPA and DHA should be between 250 and 500 mg. Medical experts recommend that you should take a maximum of 3 g of omega 3 of all types per day.

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